• What is KendoReact
  • Getting Started
  • Server Components
  • Components
  • Sample Applications
  • Styling & Themes
  • Common Features
  • Project Setup
  • Knowledge Base
  • Changelog
  • Updates
  • Troubleshooting

What is KendoReact?

KendoReact is a commercial UI library designed and built for developing business applications with React. Every component in the KendoReact suite has been built from the ground-up specifically for React.

All KendoReact components are distributed through npm packages available through npm. Please keep in mind that in order to use the npm packages you should either sign up for a 30-day free trial, or be a licensed developer, as KendoReact has a commercial license. The trial also grants free access to our outstanding technical support.

What is available in KendoReact

The KendoReact library contains UI components that range from advanced components including the data grid, charts and gauges, rich text editor, and scheduler – to form elements such as date pickers, dropdowns, and various inputs. There are also helper libraries such as PDF and Excel processing packages.

For a full list of all available components, helper utilities, and accompanying documentation articles please refer to the KendoReact components list.

All components in KendoReact are fully accessible and come with compliance for WCAG 2.0, Section 508, and WAI-ARIA accessibility standards.

The source code is available only for commercial-license holders.

Controlled and Uncontrolled Modes

Most of the KendoReact components support both controlled and uncontrolled modes. This gives you the flexibility to either go with a simpler solution where you simply pass data and configuration options to the controls and get up and running, or move in to a more advanced scenario where you maintain everything in state yourself. You can also use state management libraries such as Redux and Relay with KendoReact.

Tree Shaking and Server-side Rendering

KendoReact works with tree shaking so only the aspects of KendoReact that are used and imported will count towards the size of your overall JavaScript bundle. KendoReact can also work with server-side rendering (SSR). Lazy loading techniques are also supported to meet the performance requirements of any React application.

TypeScript Support

The KendoReact components are written with TypeScript and come with all of the typings and intellisense out of the box. The typings are included inside the packages and can directly be used in any TypeScript application without any additional steps.

Themes and Design Systems

With the breadth of components offered by KendoReact, you can rely on the suite to provide a consistent look and feel across any UX and design requirements. The KendoReact library has out-of-the-box support for four beautifully styled themes. The Material Design, Bootstrap v4, and Fluent themes are inspired by three of the most popular design systems. The fourth theme supported by KendoReact is based on the Kendo Default design system, created by our internal UX experts. All these themes allow you to use them as they are and to quickly produce stylish apps. But if you need more control, you can also customize them with our ThemeBuilder and integrate them into your own design system.


To take full control over the appearance of the KendoReact components, you can create your own styles by using ThemeBuilder.

ThemeBuilder is a web application that enables you to create new themes and customize existing ones. Every change that you make is visualized almost instantly. Once you are done styling the React components, you can export a zip file with the styles for your theme and use them in your React app.

UI Kits for Designers

To make the collaboration between designers and developers easier, KendoReact comes with four UI Kits for Figma: Material, Bootstrap, Fluent, and Kendo UI Default. The UI Kits provide the designers with design assets that match the KendoReact components. Matching building blocks on both sides—design and development—enable the seamless implementation of your application's design. The designers on your team can freely modify the UI Kits and use them as the foundation of your unique design system.

Support and Bug Reports

With both a trial and/or developer license of KendoReact, you will get access to the KendoReact support ticketing system. Through this system you can submit issues, bug reports, or get help around implementation. All tickets are handled by our support team members and the developers of KendoReact. Depending on the level of support that you get along with a licensed copy of KendoReact you can even get access to remote web assistance for help with particularly tricky and critical items.

Trial Version and Commercial License

KendoReact is a commercial UI library. You are welcome to explore its full functionality and get technical support from the team when you register for a free 30-day trial. To use it commercially, you need to purchase a license. For more information around licensing options, please refer to our pricing page. Feel free to review the KendoReact License Agreement to get acquainted with the full terms of use.