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Angular TreeList Filter Row

The TreeList enables you to embed a filter row above the column headers. To add a filter row to the TreeList, set the filterable option to true

The following example demonstrates the default filter row of the TreeList.

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Built-in Filter-Row Components

To change the default appearance of the filtering UI, use the FilterCellTemplateDirective.

The TreeList package exposes the default filter-row UI for the basic data types as ready-to-use components. These components are especially useful when you need to customize the filter operators.

The following ready-to-use components are available to use inside the FilterCellTemplateDirective:

All built-in filter row components require you to bind the column and filter attributes to the template context.

<kendo-treelist-column filter="text" field="name" title="Name" [width]="180">
    <ng-template kendoTreeListFilterCellTemplate let-filter let-column="column">
        <kendo-treelist-string-filter-cell [column]="column" [filter]="filter">

The built-in filter row components enable you to utilize the available configuration options and customize the filter settings of the TreeList.

Setting the Default Filter Operator

The default operators for the built-in filter row components are:

ComponentDefault Operator

If the operator is set to "", the TreeList will use the first operator from the defined list of operators as its default operator.

You can override the default filter operators by setting the operator property of the built-in filter row components.

<kendo-treelist-column filter="text" field="name" title="Name" [width]="180">
    <ng-template kendoTreeListFilterCellTemplate let-filter let-column="column">
        <kendo-treelist-string-filter-cell [column]="column" [filter]="filter" operator="startswith">

The following example demonstrates how to configure a string filter with a default startswith operator.

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Changing the Filter Operators Order

You can manually fine-tune the order and number of available operators by adding operator components.

<kendo-treelist-column filter="text" field="name" title="Name" [width]="180">
    <ng-template kendoTreeListFilterCellTemplate let-filter let-column="column">
        <kendo-treelist-string-filter-cell [column]="column" [filter]="filter">

The following example demonstrates how to set the order of the operators.

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Hiding Filter Operators

To hide the list of filter operators, set the showOperators option to false.

<kendo-treelist-column filter="text" field="name" title="Name" [width]="180">
    <ng-template kendoTreeListFilterCellTemplate let-filter let-column="column" >

The following example demonstrates how to hide the filter operators.

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Using Standalone Filter Operators Component

If you want to use the built-in filter operators along with any custom input control, define the FilterCellOperatorsComponent inside the kendoTreeListFilterCellTemplate directive.

To benefit from the built-in accessibility features of the TreeList, pass the column context, provided by the template, to the column property of the filter operators component.

<ng-template kendoTreeListFilterCellTemplate let-filter let-column="column" >
      [operators]="[{text: 'Equals', value: 'eq'}]">

The following example demonstrates the standalone filter operators component in action.

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Custom Filters

The FilterCellTemplateDirective allows you to provide any custom content as a filtering UI. This feature is especially useful for scenarios in which the configuration options of the built-in filter row components aren't sufficient to achieve the desired result.

The following step-by-step guide demonstrates how to implement a custom Boolean filter.

  1. Add a template tag with the kendoTreeListFilterCellTemplate directive for the Boolean column and place a MaskedTextBox component inside it.

    <kendo-treelist-column field="phone" title="Phone" [width]="180">
        <ng-template kendoTreeListFilterCellTemplate>
            <kendo-maskedtextbox mask="(999) 000-0000"
              [promptPlaceholder]="prompt" [includeLiterals]="true"
  2. Handle the MaskedTextBox valueChange event and set the filter. Then call the filterChange method to notify the TreeList that the filter has been modified.

    public phoneChange(value: string): void {
        const root = { logic: 'and', filters: [], ...this.filter };
        if (!value || value.indexOf(this.prompt) >= 0) {
        } else {
            const [ filter ] = flatten(root).filter(x => x.field === 'phone');
            if (!filter) {
                    field: 'phone',
                    operator: 'eq',
                    value: value
            } else {
                filter.value = value;
        this.filter = root;

The following example demonstrates the full implementation of the approach.

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Custom Filter Row Components

You can also create custom filtering components and use them within the FilterCellTemplateDirective. This scenario is suitable when you want to reuse the custom filtering UI across multiple TreeList columns or many TreeList components.

To implement a custom reusable filter row component in the TreeList:

  1. Extend the base filter cell component from the BaseFilterCellComponent class to utilize the existing functions.

    export class MyCustomFilterComponent extends BaseFilterCellComponent {
  2. Inject the FilterService through the constructor and pass it to the super call, as it is required by the BaseFilterCellComponent class. This service is responsible for the communication with the host TreeList component.

    constructor(filterService: FilterService) {
  3. Modify the root filter descriptor from within the custom filter-row component by using the applyFilter(), removeFilter(), and updateFilter() methods provided by the BaseFilterCellComponent. Their purpose is to update the root filter and to remove or override the child filter for the given field.

Using DropDownList

You can use the Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList in the TreeList and filter the data by choosing a single predefined value from a list. To integrate the DropDownList component:

  1. Extend the BaseFilterCellComponent and pass a FilterService through the constructor.

    export class DropDownListFilterComponent extends BaseFilterCellComponent {
        constructor(filterService: FilterService) {
  2. Add the root CompositeFilterDescriptor as required by the component so you can add or modify it with the filter descriptor that will be built.

    @Input() public filter: CompositeFilterDescriptor;
  3. Provide the appropriate textField, valueField, and data input properties to reuse the filter component on different column fields. Pass the properties to the DropDownList component.

    @Input() public data: any[];
    @Input() public textField: string;
    @Input() public valueField: string;
  4. (Optional) Construct a default placeholder item that will be used when the user wants to remove the filter.

    public get defaultItem(): any {
        return {
            [this.textField]: "Select item...",
            [this.valueField]: null
  5. Add the DropDownList component to the template.

        selector: 'my-dropdown-filter',
        template: `
    export class DropDownListFilterComponent extends BaseFilterCellComponent {
  6. Hook the valueChange event handler and modify the root filter descriptor by using the applyFilter(), removeFilter(), and updateFilter() functions inherited from the base class.

    public onChange(value: any): void {
            value === null ? // if value of the default item
                this.removeFilter(this.valueField) : // remove the filter
                this.updateFilter({ // otherwise add/modify the filter for the field with the value
                    field: this.valueField,
                    operator: "eq",
                    value: value
        ); // and update the root filter
  7. Place the custom filter component in the filter cell template and hook it with the respective host component fields.

    <kendo-treelist-column field="title" title="Title" [width]="180">
        <ng-template kendoTreeListFilterCellTemplate let-filter>

The following example demonstrates the full implementation of the approach.

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Using DateRange

The TreeList enables you to implement custom filtering which is based on a given period between two dates.

  1. Extend the BaseFilterCellComponent and pass a FilterService through the constructor.

    export class DateRangeFilterCellComponent extends BaseFilterCellComponent {
        constructor(filterService: FilterService) {
  2. Add the root CompositeFilterDescriptor as required by the component so you can add or modify it with the filter descriptor that will be built.

    @Input() public filter: CompositeFilterDescriptor;
  3. Add the DateRange component to the custom DateRangeFilterCellComponent template and handle the valueChange events of the respective DateInput components.

            (valueChange)="filterRange($event, end)">
            (valueChange)="filterRange(start, $event)">
  4. Construct a CompositeFilterDescriptor which describes the selected date range and add it to the root filter of the TreeList. Use the filterService to update the CompositeFilterDescriptor applied to the TreeList.

    public filterRange(start: Date, end: Date): void {
        this.filter = this.removeFilter(this.field);
        const filters = [];
        if (start) {
                field: this.field,
                operator: "gte",
                value: start
        if (end) {
                field: this.field,
                operator: "lte",
                value: end
        const root = this.filter || {
            logic: "and",
            filters: []
        if (filters.length) {

The following example demonstrates the full implementation of the approach.

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