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Binding the Angular Data TreeList to OData

The Kendo Angular TreeList has representational functionality and is indifferent to where its data comes from and how it is retrieved and/or updated. This allows you to use any remote data source including the OData v4 protocol.

The following step-by-step guide shows how to bind the TreeList by using the OData v4 protocol:

  1. Create a method to fetch the parent and child nodes based on an index.

     public query(reportsTo: number): Observable<Employee[]> {
         if (reportsTo === 0) {
          return this.http
            .pipe(map((data: any) => <Employee[]>data.value));
        } else {
          return this.http
            .pipe(map((data: any) => <Employee[]>data.value));
  2. Get the data from the server and bind the TreeList to the obtained collection.

    public treelistData: Observable<Employee[]>;
    public ngOnInit(): void {
        this.treelistData = this.query(0);
  3. Set the data input property of the component to an Observable. Once the data is received from an asynchronous source, pipe it through the async pipe.

        [data]="treelistDataData | async"
        [fetchChildren]="fetchChildren" ... >
        <kendo-treelist-column field="FirstName" title="First Name"></kendo-treelist-column>
  4. To fetch the children nodes, initiate a server request with the corresponding index in fetchChildren callback.

    public fetchChildren = (item: Employee): Observable<Employee[]> => {
        return this.query(item.EmployeeID);

The following example demonstrates how to bind the TreeList using the OData v4 protocol.

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