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Disabling Different Ranges of Dates in Kendo DatePicker


ProductProgress® Kendo UI for Angular Editor


How can I disable different date ranges in the Kendo DatePicker component?


To disable different ranges of dates and limit the date selection, you can set the disabledDates property to a custom function.

  1. Set the disabledDates property to a custom function.

     <kendo-datepicker ... [disabledDates]="disableRanges"></kendo-datepicker>
  2. Inside the function, use conditional statements to define the disabled dates. For example, you can limit the date selection to a 30-day time period starting today. To achieve this, you will need to disable all dates before today and after 30 days by using the following logic:

    public disableRanges = (date: Date): boolean => {
        const today = new Date();
        const thirtyDaysFromNow = new Date();
        thirtyDaysFromNow.setDate(today.getDate() + 30);
      return date < today || date > thirtyDaysFromNow;
  3. Now, the DatePicker component will disable all dates before today and after 30 days.

See Also

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