The configuration component for a value axis.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
axisCrossingValue |
(Only for objects) The value at which the category axis crosses this axis. (Only for arrays) The value indices at which the category axes cross the value axis. (Only for dates) The date at which the category axis crosses this axis. | |
background |
The background color of the axis. | |
color |
The color of the value axis. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including HEX and RGB. | |
crosshair |
The crosshair configuration options. The crosshair is displayed when the | |
labels |
The axis labels configuration. | |
line |
The configuration of the axis lines. Also affects the major and minor ticks, but not the grid lines. | |
majorGridLines |
The configuration of the major grid lines. These are the lines that are an extension of the major ticks through the body of the Chart. | |
majorTicks |
The configuration of the value axis major ticks. | |
majorUnit |
The interval between major divisions.
If | |
max |
The maximum value of the axis. |
min |
The minimum value of the axis. |
minorGridLines |
The configuration of the minor grid lines. These are the lines that are an extension of the minor ticks through the body of the Chart. | |
minorTicks |
The configuration of the value axis minor ticks. | |
minorUnit |
The interval between minor divisions. It defaults to one-fifth (1/5) of the | |
name |
The unique axis name. Used to associate a series with a value axis by using the |
narrowRange |
If set to |
notes |
The value axis notes configuration. | |
pane |
The name of the pane that the value axis has to be rendered in. If not set, the axis is rendered in the first (default) pane. | |
plotBands |
The plot bands of the value axis. | |
reverse |
If set to Radar and Polar Charts do not support reverse value axes. |
title |
The title configuration of the value axis. To display the title, set the | |
type |
The axis type. The "numeric" value refers to a numeric axis, while "log" represents a logarithmic axis. |
visible |
If set to |
notifyChanges | ||||||
Updates the component fields with the specified values and refreshes the Chart. Use this method when the configuration values cannot be set through the template.
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