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Positioning Custom Drag and Drop Hints


ProductProgress® Kendo UI Drag and Drop


How can I change the default position of the custom drag hint of the Kendo UI for Angular Drag and Drop utility?


When utilizing a custom hint element that is smaller than the drag target, it may appear offset from the mouse pointer, requiring manual position adjustments. To customize the default hint position:

  1. Handle the onDrag event of the element with the kendoDragTarget directive applied.

    <!-- Considering the drag element is bigger that the hint. -->
    <div kendoDragTarget (onDrag)="onDrag($event)" [hint]="{hintTemplate: hint}">
        Drag Me!
    <!-- Considering the hint element has smaller dimensions. -->
    <ng-template #hint >
        <div> DRAG HINT <div>
  2. Prevent the default onDrag event behavior and use the Renderer2 to set the top and left CSS properties of the hint element to the clientX and clientY values.

    constructor(private r: Renderer2) {}
    public onDrag(e: DragTargetDragEvent): void {
        this.topValue = `${e.dragEvent.clientY}px`;
        this.leftValue = `${e.dragEvent.clientX}px`;
        this.r.setStyle(e.hintElement, 'top', this.topValue);
        this.r.setStyle(e.hintElement, 'left', this.leftValue);

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