we war using the Telerik Calender in a MasterDetailPage as Master und the Information of the Date is in the Detail visualized. The new requirements are the App has to be a full physical Keyboard accessibility.
The MasterDetailpage is inside a Tappedpage. Only if a change the TappedPage, then the Calendar (Masterdetailpage -> Master) gets the keyboard focus. Wen i use the Tabulator-Key ("TAB") then the focus changed to the Detail and all other Elements, but the Calendar gets never the focus again (there Skip the Calendar).
the Calendar gets only the Focus, when ...
1. the TappedPage changes (between tabs)
2. use the key "Shift + Tabulator"
is there a way to fix the Tabindex or to force the Calendar to request the keyboard focus? In MasterDetailPages without the Calendar there is no problem. i tried to set "Tabindex", "IsTabStop", "Focused-Event" etc. without an effect.
Thanks :)
You have the follow hierachie TabbedPage (with ToolbarItems) -> MasterDetailPage. In the Master is the Xamarin.iOS Calendar und in the Detail Information about the Appointment.
Focusable Elements Focus-Order:
1 TabbedPage - ToolbarItem - 1
2 TabbedPage - ToolbarItem - 2
3 MasterDetailPage/Master - Calendar (SKIPPED!)
4 MasterDetailPage/Detail - Overview
5 TabbedPage - first
6 TabbedPage - second
7 TabbedPage - third
But without an toolbarItems in the TabbedPage the Xamarin.iOS Calendar receive the focus ... maybe is there a issue with the toolbaritem and the focus?!