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Windows8Touch Theme Availability

4 Answers 126 Views
Themes and Visual Style Builder
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Sam asked on 27 Aug 2014, 05:14 PM
Going through some of the Telerik UI examples for other platforms, I noticed the Windows8Touch theme which I would like to use for my WinForms project. However, I only have Windows8Theme and no Touch version. I have checked my DLLs and found the same. Is the touch version of the theme available at the moment?

My current version is 2014.2.715.40.

Thank you!

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Telerik team
answered on 28 Aug 2014, 01:09 PM
Hi Sam,

Thank you for writing.

Currently the touch theme available in our suite is TelerikMetroTouch (it can be used like any other theme). Detailed information is available here: Using default themes.

I hope this information helps. 

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answered on 28 Aug 2014, 01:31 PM
Thank you for your response Dimitar. 

I am currently using the TelerikMetroTouch theme. It is great for my application, which will be used on touch-screen devices. However, I am interested in the color scheme and minor UI differences offered by the Windows8Touch theme. The Windows8 (non-touch) theme is great except for the size of the UI elements. 

I ask because it seems that "UI for WinForms" is missing Windows8Touch as an included theme, while the other products have it available. Is this intentional?

In any case, what is the simplest method that you recommend to change the colors in the TelerikMetroTouch theme? 

Telerik team
answered on 29 Aug 2014, 11:09 AM
Hi Sam,

Thank you for writing back.

The WinForms themes cannot be used with other products and other products themes cannot be used in the WinForms suite. Currently we do not have a Windows 8 dedicated touch theme in the WinForms suite.   

The simplest way to change the colors is to edit the theme and change the colors (or any other properties) for the controls that you are currently using. Please note that most of the elements are using predefined repository styles and if you change the color of a single repository item it will affect all elements that are using it. The following articles are quite helpful when you need to edit a theme:
I hope this helps. Should you have any other questions do not hesitate to ask.
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answered on 29 Aug 2014, 02:17 PM
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for the help!
Themes and Visual Style Builder
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