I have a window on my page:
.Title("Add New Comment").LoadContentFrom("AddComment", "Comparisons", new { startDate = @ViewBag.startDate, endDate = @ViewBag.endDate })
.Position(settings => settings.Top(100).Left(100)).Visible(false).Modal(true).Iframe(true)
.Actions(actions => actions.Close())
I open the window with a hyperlink, here is the binding:
$("#addCommentLink").click(function () {
I have a div that's not related at all to the window.
<div id='dummy'></div>
At some point I load the div with a partial render.
function ReloadCommentSection() {
$("#dummy").load('@Url.Action("CommentEventSection", new { startDate = @ViewBag.startDate, endDate = @ViewBag.endDate })');
Once that div is loaded, the window won't open any more. I get an error that $("#window").data("kendoWindow") is undefined.
What am I doing wrong?
.Title("Add New Comment").LoadContentFrom("AddComment", "Comparisons", new { startDate = @ViewBag.startDate, endDate = @ViewBag.endDate })
.Position(settings => settings.Top(100).Left(100)).Visible(false).Modal(true).Iframe(true)
.Actions(actions => actions.Close())
I open the window with a hyperlink, here is the binding:
$("#addCommentLink").click(function () {
I have a div that's not related at all to the window.
<div id='dummy'></div>
At some point I load the div with a partial render.
function ReloadCommentSection() {
$("#dummy").load('@Url.Action("CommentEventSection", new { startDate = @ViewBag.startDate, endDate = @ViewBag.endDate })');
Once that div is loaded, the window won't open any more. I get an error that $("#window").data("kendoWindow") is undefined.
What am I doing wrong?