I'm using LitElement to create a reusable tab component, but when I 'm initializing the kendoTabStrip, the TabStrip property is undefined.
In my firstUpdated function I'm setting the TabElement property:
firstUpdated (changedProperties) { this.TabElement = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#tabs-container') }
In the parent element, I'm setting the TabConfig property:
setHtml () { const tabs = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('tabs') tabs.TabConfig = TabConfig(this) }
I have a setter in the tabs component that addsTabs after being set:
set TabConfig (value) { const oldValue = this._TabConfig this._TabConfig = value const self = value.self this.addTabs(self, oldValue) }
I'm initializing the kendoabStrip using the previously set properties (all properties are defined):
addTabs () { this.TabStrip = $(this.TabElement).kendoTabStrip(this.TabConfig).data('kendoTabStrip') this.TabConfig.tabs.forEach(tab => { if (tab.show) { this.TabStrip.append(tab) // This throws an error "Cannot read property append of undefined" } }) }
I tried initializing the TabStrip property in the setter for the TabConfig, but ended up with the same result. Any idea as to why this.TabStrip is undefined?
It is only when I am running it in my application that I am seeing the error.
After setting some breakpoints, I was able to see that $(this.TabElement).kendoTabStrip(this.TabConfig).data() does not have a 'kendoTabStrip' property which is causing this.TabStrip to be undefined. The strange thing is that in Chrome dev tools, I am able to see the kendoTabStrip property when I put $(this.TabElement).data() in the console, but it is not available in the code.
I have no idea what is causing this.