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Why is the Grid apply a div with Cover class

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Paul asked on 02 Mar 2021, 01:38 PM

using kendo version 2015.3.1111 (limitation to this version due to other maximum targets of system)

I've noticed using the kendo Grid that the below element is added to the DOM for each column (note the positioning is different per column):

<div class="cover" style="left: 47px; top: 1932.15px; width: 90px; height: 30px; position: absolute;">


On edit and save/cancel of a row this element is duplicated again and again. I noticed the issue as I hide an element on the main page when i hit edit in the grid and the positioning then changed and the hover/clickable area of the button was not on top of the button.

Note that if i override the style with display: none i fix the clicking issue without any noticeable side-effects however the DOM is still polluted with these numerous div elements.

Can anyone provide some insight and/or a resolution to remove these elements?

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answered on 04 Mar 2021, 09:36 AM

Hi Paul,

Based on the provided information, I have researched the case with the aforementioned version, however, I don't seem to find any information about this class. Is it possible for you to confirm that this is the correct version that is used in your project? Also, could you share the theme that is used for the case?


Kind regards,
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