I set a break point in the constructor of my controller and I noticed that the controller is getting called several times on the startup of my project.
In my _Layout I have a menu control setup like:
.Animation(a =>
a.Open(o =>
.Items(i =>
i.Add().Text("Job Profiles")
.Items(child =>
child.Add().Text("Item 1").Action("Act1", "Home");
child.Add().Text("Item 2").Action("Act2", "Home");
child.Add().Text("Item 3").Action("Act3", "Home");
child.Add().Text("Item 4").Action("Act4", "BadController");
child.Add().Text("Item 5").Action("BadAction", "Home");
So in my Home Controller I will see it being called 4 times.
Why does this happen? It's not like it's validating the action/controller at this time, because Item 4 and Item 5 should blow up. (It will blow up, but only when the user clicks on the items).
This is causing poor performance due to initialization that I have occurring in the constructor.
Please advise.