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Why is column sequence sorting alphabetically?

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Peter asked on 17 Aug 2014, 04:01 PM
I have the results of a WCF class feeding as the data binding source into my RadListView Details type list.

List<WcfService.MyClass> _MyClassList = _WcfClient.MyResults_List(ID);
rlstResults.DataSource = _RandomPrizeRecipientList;
rlstResults.ValueMember = "ResultID";
rlstResults.DisplayMember = "FirstName";

My fields are in a specific order in the class, but it appears to take them all and alphabetize them in the list.
The ROWS are sorting by the specified ValueMember, but the COLUMNS shift into alphabetical order.

Instead of:

ResultID  >  FirstName  >  LastName  >  Address  >  Contact

They show up in the list as:

Address  >  Contact  > FirstName  >  LastName  >  ResultID

How can I make the data view keep the columns in the original order, or alternatively set them manually according to the column names from the class?

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answered on 17 Aug 2014, 04:07 PM
Never mind.  I just changed the output from the WCF to a DataTable, and it's all good.
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answered on 18 Aug 2014, 09:45 AM
Hi Peter,

Thank you for writing.

I am glad you have solved this case. Just for reference, I have tested this scenario and the columns in the control appear just as they are in the data source, so I assume that the list returned by this method: _WcfClient.MyResults_List(ID); is already sorted.

I hope this helps.

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