I am defining grid, with "inCell" mode. And I have a problem that the headers are selectable/focusable. Can any one tell me what makes the column headers selectable if I did not define "selectable: true", and why do the column header id changes to the grid's id + "_active_cell" when it is selected.
This behavior exists in the following demo: http://dojo.telerik.com/IQIQu
I noticed that the property "navigatable: true" may be the cause to this behavior behavior but i think there is another property that affects that behavior,
because in the following example: ( http://jsfiddle.net/Eh8GL/ ) the property "navigatable" is set to "true" but the column headers are not selectable.
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
You need to turn off the navigatable option if you want to prevent this behavior.
Kiril Nikolov
Hi Kiril,
Actually, in the following example : http://jsfiddle.net/Eh8GL/ the "navigatable" property is set to true but the column headers are not selectable. Besides, I need the navigatable option, so how can I avoid this behaior without setting the navigatable property to false?
It seems it caused by more than one property definition.
The version in the jsFiddle is 4 years old and a lot of things changes since then. There is navigate event that you can use to navigate to a certain cell when the headers are clicked, please see this sample:
Kiril Nikolov
Is there a reason for the id's change, I mean, is it neccesary for your support that the active cell id gets changed?
or is it a bug in Kendo?
I am not sure that I understand your question - can you please elaborate?
Kiril Nikolov