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Which Controls Should I Use for Outlook Type Application

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Jacques asked on 20 Jul 2011, 09:09 AM
Hi there,

I have an application that needs to be built and the Outlook style of application is the closest I can get to explaining how our UI will work.
So far we will have the following:
  1. A RibbonBar
  2. A PageView for Navigating between subsections of the application (exactly like Outlook switches between mail and calender)
  3. A SplitContainer to split the left side navigation from the actual content on the right

Where I get confused is:
I'm assuming the content that appears in the right side window (in Outlook's case this would be the mail items view, or the calender day view) should be built using separate windows. If that's correct do we load those windows as controls into the right side of the split container? (what is the norm when it comes to this kind of scenario?)
When we switch from Mail to Calender, how do we change the RibbonBar to be specific to that feature as is done in Outlook?


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answered on 22 Jul 2011, 04:01 PM
Hello Jacques,

Thank you for the question.

For the different views in the right part of your application you can use different RadPanels to contain your controls. Depending on the selection in the RadPageView, you just need to call the BringToFront method of the RadPanel that should be shown.

As to RadRibbonBar, on the SelectedPageChanged event you have to add (insert) and remove the approriate RibbonBar tabs/groups.

These approaches are demonstrated in the attached sample project.

I am not sure that I understand your questions about the norms. Generally, each specification is individual and it depends on you and your scenario how many RadPanels you will place on the right side of the applicaiton.

I hope this helps. If you have additional questions, feel free to write back.

All the best,
the Telerik team

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