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What properties are not compatible with displaying hierarchical data?

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Thom asked on 02 Apr 2020, 12:53 PM

I am loading a Gridview in unbound mode to create  hierarchy. I followed the article and leaving all grid properties set to defaults, I can successfully create the hierarchical relationship and it will display. Then I start setting properties to tailor the grid. Note I am trying to create a "toolbox" like view where summary information about a tool is the top level, then clicking it exposes more information. This means the result is something that is not "grid looking per se.

Anyhow as I start removing grid features - grouping, etc. at some point I hit a property that prevents the child from displaying; but I don't know which one(s)

Is there a list of properties that cannot be set to false ?

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Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Telerik team
answered on 06 Apr 2020, 02:17 PM

Hello, Thom,  

Your question has already been answered in the support thread you have opened on the same topic. However, I am posting the answer here as well in order the community to benefit from it.

According to the provided information, it would be difficult to conclude what causes the hierarchy to disappear since I am not familiar with the complete hierarchy setup on your end. There are no specific properties that are compatible or not with hoerarchy. 

However, I would like to mention what is important to build an hierarchy:
1. Populate data on the master level.
2. Add a child GridViewTemplate and populate it with some data. Please make sure that there is a filed from the child level that points to the respective parent record, e.g. ParentId in the child template and Id in the master template.
3. Define a relation between the two templates and specify the columns that build the relation (ParentId and Id).

If some of the above mentioned steps is not accomplished, the hierarchy won't be built properly.

You can refer to the Hierarchical Grid in Unbound mode section in the following help article for more details:   

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Thank you for your understanding.


Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Sr.
Progress Telerik

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Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
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