I have a Scheduler with a custom-created DataSource (we have to merge multiple event arrays on the client). I've defined a "remove" event on my SchedulerOptions, as well as set "editable.destroy" and "editable.confirmation" to true. When I view the Scheduler in the browser, the "X" appears on events and I'm prompted to confirm when I try to delete the events, as expected. However, when I double-click to edit an event, my (custom) editor shows Save and Cancel buttons, but no Delete button. I'm not doing anything specific to hide it that I'm aware of. Is it because the DataSource isn't set up with a specific "transport.destroy" method? I read another thread about a legit Kendo bug in which someone couldn't get the Delete button to disappear by using an "editable.destroy" value of false, and that was flagged to be fixed. Any guidance here?
I'm using v2014.3.1316.