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Visual Data Filter

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Guru asked on 24 Mar 2014, 10:15 PM
Any thought or discussions existing about adding a Kendo UI Web widget for visually filtering data sources?
(Like ajax radfilter)

We are making a new external application with mvc 4 and angular-kendo integration (AngularJS Directives) so I would have to have to try to hack in an ajax control or try to recreate it from scratch... We also have a WPF application internally and it has major use of the similar WPF RadDataFilter which our users have gotten use to over the last couple years.

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answered on 25 Mar 2014, 10:51 AM
Hello Zack,

Currently we don't offer visual filter widget as part of our Kendo UI framework. You can submit a new item for it on our UserVoice portal and depending on the number it'll be prioritized for future releases.

For now you may consider utilizing the DataSource component's filter.filters collection to build and execute dynamically filter expressions against underlying data, based on your custom logic and UI interaction. I hope this is applicable for your scenario.

Kind regards,
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