Got this issue on an Android tablet with 1280x800 screen resolution.
List of titles:
"День", "Неделя", "Рабочая неделя", "Месяц", "Расписание", "Настройки"
There is enough space for it to flow and on desktop useragent it happens as expected.
8 Answers, 1 is accepted
Few more details, we're using Fiori theme.
Looks like you lost the screenshot because of cyrillics, here it is: http://snag.gy/uU1VF.jpg
I tried to reproduce the illustrated issue but to no avail (dojo example). Could you please make sure you are using the correct common stylesheet file (kendo.common-fiori.min.css)? Also, are you using the version mentioned in the ticket info (2015.3 930)? If the CSS files / version correct but the issue still persists, I will need an isolated runnable example which demonstrates your exact setup - this way I would be able to check what exactly is going wrong and provide concrete recommendations. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Iliana Nikolova
Sorry for lack of details. CSS files are fine. The problem appears when mobile:true is set in scheduler options.
Here is what it looks like.
In Chrome you should set Android or iOS user agent emulation to toggle mobile mode (requires refresh) and then make screen emulator width more than 1024px to remove views list grouping into a dropdown. Now it looks broken. It looks same on an actual 1280x800 Android tablet in landscape.
How can this be fixed?
Thank you for the details. The described scenario is not supported - when the mobile option is set to true the scheduler should be used in browser (it is not expected to manually resize the mobile browser). Could you please provide more details about the actual device which you are testing on?
Iliana Nikolova
Sure. We've got this problem on our client's Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000.
We managed to reproduce it in Visual Studio Emulator for Android as well. Emulator configuration included XHDPI(1280x720px) screen. Both device and emulator obviously use mobile browsers.
I was not able to reproduce the issue on my side. Could you please share more details about the exact Android version and browser which you are testing on?
Iliana Nikolova
Okie. Actually I sent a link to Samsung N8000 details which included OS version.
Anyway here is what I used to reproduce the bug in the emulator:
- Android 4.2.2, 1280x720, built-in browser called "Browser".
It's important to keep it in landscape orientation because only then screen width becomes more than 1024px.
Bug shows up everywhere you make your useragent look like a tablet/phone and make screen width >=1024px.
First of all I would like to thank you for your cooperation - I was able to reproduce the issue and logged it for fixing. As a small sign of gratitude I updated your points.
Iliana Nikolova