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Ok, I've started to play around with the WinForms controls. Overall I like the look and feel and program interface. However databinding seems painfully slow. I created a little app to generate unique 10 character codes. I store them in an in memory DataTable and then bind them to a listbox after all the codes are added. With the regular WinForms ListBox the binding occurs almost immediately after the codes are done generating. When I set it to bind to the RadListBox instead it takes a while even for just about 1000 codes.
DataView dvCodes = new DataView(_dtCodes, "", "UniqueCode", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
lstCodes.DisplayMember = "UniqueCode";
lstCodes.DataSource = dvCodes;
//radListBox1.DisplayMember = "UniqueCode";
//radListBox1.DataSource = dvCodes;
DataView dvCodes = new DataView(_dtCodes, "", "UniqueCode", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
lstCodes.DisplayMember = "UniqueCode";
lstCodes.DataSource = dvCodes;
//radListBox1.DisplayMember = "UniqueCode";
//radListBox1.DataSource = dvCodes;