I have a datasource in which i have initialized a validation as this:
minvaluevalidation: function (input) {
if (input.is("[name='minValue']")) {
if ((parseFloat($("input[type='text'][name='minValue']").val()) > parseFloat($("input[type='text'][name='maxValue']").val()))) {
input.attr("data-minvaluevalidation-msg", "Min Value should be less than Max Value");
return false;
return true;
(also relative to maxvaluevalidation field)
I have a grid to which this datasource is bound. The user can insert rows in this grid and everything works fine.
Let's suppose I have typed for minValue the number 6 and then for maxValue the number 5.
Then the minvaluevalidation function says 'false' there is a validation problem. Ok, I try to type 7 for the maxValue(bigger than 6) and click the 'update' button of the edit form of kendo. Here I know that this is valid and also the maxvaluevavlidation function returns true. But the 'update' or 'create' transport (CRUD operation) function has wrong data, there is no pair [6;7] there is pair [0;7] (or instead 0, the last valid typed number in grid) and the grid is updated with values 0 and 7....not with 6 and 7
So when validation is broken for minValue, if I fix this for maxValue(not for minValue) and suddenly click 'update' while the validation message is still visible for minValue the data passed to the transport functions is wrong.
Here If I try to change minValue to 3 and then again to 6 everything is updated and the transport function has right data, the grid has right data.