I am a newby with RadControls.
I am trying to use tooltips for the RadCalendar control in a simple Test-Form, the Properties RadCalendar.AllowTooltips and RadCalendar.ShowItemToolTips are true.
I get tooltips, using one of the following feature:
I am trying to use tooltips for the RadCalendar control in a simple Test-Form, the Properties RadCalendar.AllowTooltips and RadCalendar.ShowItemToolTips are true.
I get tooltips, using one of the following feature:
private void radCalendar1_ElementRender(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.RenderElementEventArgs e)
e.Element.TooltipText = "A Tooltip";
private void radCalendar2_ToolTipTextNeeded(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.ToolTipTextNeededEventArgs e)
e.TooltipText = "A Tooltip";
But I don't get the following "default" tooltips:
- NavigationNextTooltip,...
- SpecialDay-Tooltips by setting "SpecialDays.ToolTip" in VS Designer