Thought this might help, a client has a requirement for a grid to be placed in a splitter with grid in line editing at the same time in another splitter pane they want an editable version of the record shown.
The problem I had was getting kendo data binding on to the partial view this is my solution for a general binding function where the container is an html form bound to a POCO class, the model is the dataItem of a selected grid row.
function databind (container, model) {
if (container) {
container.find(":input:not(:button, [" + kendo.attr("role") + "=upload], [" + kendo.attr("skip") + "]), select").each(function () {
var bindAttr = kendo.attr("bind"),
binding = this.getAttribute(bindAttr) || "",
bindingName = this.type === "checkbox" ? "checked:" : "value:",
fieldName =;
if (binding.indexOf(bindingName) === -1 && fieldName) {
binding += (binding.length ? "," : "") + bindingName + fieldName;
$(this).attr(bindAttr, binding);
kendo.bind(container, model);
function grid_change (e) {
var pid =;
var dataItem = this.dataItem(pid);
var details = $('#your container for form');
var frm = $("#your form");
if (frm[0]) {
databind(details, dataItem);
else {
$.post('@Url.Action("GetPartialViewForForm","Controller")', {
ID: dataItem.ID
}, function (data) {
databind(details, dataItem);
var frm = $("#your form");
frm.submit(function (e) {
var data = $(this).serialize();
$.post(this.action, data, function () { });
public ActionResult GetPartialViewForForm(int ID)
//get the data
return PartialView();
The problem I had was getting kendo data binding on to the partial view this is my solution for a general binding function where the container is an html form bound to a POCO class, the model is the dataItem of a selected grid row.
function databind (container, model) {
if (container) {
container.find(":input:not(:button, [" + kendo.attr("role") + "=upload], [" + kendo.attr("skip") + "]), select").each(function () {
var bindAttr = kendo.attr("bind"),
binding = this.getAttribute(bindAttr) || "",
bindingName = this.type === "checkbox" ? "checked:" : "value:",
fieldName =;
if (binding.indexOf(bindingName) === -1 && fieldName) {
binding += (binding.length ? "," : "") + bindingName + fieldName;
$(this).attr(bindAttr, binding);
kendo.bind(container, model);
function grid_change (e) {
var pid =;
var dataItem = this.dataItem(pid);
var details = $('#your container for form');
var frm = $("#your form");
if (frm[0]) {
databind(details, dataItem);
else {
$.post('@Url.Action("GetPartialViewForForm","Controller")', {
ID: dataItem.ID
}, function (data) {
databind(details, dataItem);
var frm = $("#your form");
frm.submit(function (e) {
var data = $(this).serialize();
$.post(this.action, data, function () { });
public ActionResult GetPartialViewForForm(int ID)
//get the data
return PartialView();