I have a situation where I want to attach a persistent function to child objects of a view model after they are passed to the view model from the server, so ...
I am fetching it through a dataSource, that goes to the Kendo Multi-Select widget. The data looks like this ...
But I would like for it to look like this, once it is in my javascript.
Is there anything I can do to achieve this? I was looking at the "schema" feature of the dataSource.
I am fetching it through a dataSource, that goes to the Kendo Multi-Select widget. The data looks like this ...
Name: "Some Object",
Other: "Some other Properties",
Tags: [
Name: "Tag1",
Name: "Tag2",
Name: "Some Object",
Other: "Some other Properties",
Tags: [
Name: "Tag1",
onDelete: function(e){
Name: "Tag2",
onDelete: function(e){