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Using jQueryUI datepicker in KendoUI grid

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sync asked on 30 Jun 2015, 01:20 AM

I have used KendoUI grid in my web application. It runs at batch editing mode, and a date column is in the grid.
For some reasons, I can't using KendoUI datepicker to show the date when a cell in the column clicked. Instead,I must use the jQueryUI datepicker in edting mode.
But when I was showing the jquery date picker, the date can not be displayed with the format which I have set.
Following is my configuration.


    dataSource: kendoGridDataSource,
        editor : function(container, options){
                var $input = $("<input />").attr("name",options.field).appendTo(container);
        format:"{0:yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss}",
    editable: true

I have set the format as "yyyy/mm/dd".But when I focus in the cell, the string likes "Wed Jun 17 2015 15:00:00 GMT+0900 (東京 (標準時))" will be displayed.
How can I control the value displayed in datepicker with format as "yy/mm/dd" when I focus in cell first time?
Best regards

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Alexander Valchev
Telerik team
answered on 01 Jul 2015, 03:15 PM

I assume that this behaviour is caused by the way jQuery DatePicker works.

In terms of Kendo UI, the editor input will be value-bound to the corresponding field from the edited model. That means Kendo MVVM will set the value of the input to a JavaScript date object. Since the input value attribute does not accept JavaScript Date object it will use its string representation ("Wed Jun 17 2015 15:00:00 GMT+0900 (東京 (標準時))").

Please examine the jQuery DatePicker behaviour - what the widget does with the value attribute, how the widget data should be set and etc.

Alexander Valchev
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Alexander Valchev
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