I think I found a little (big) bug in the grids ClientTemplate. I use JavaScript-Code in a ClientTemplate. The problem is, that the + sign doesn't work.
Here is what I tried:
>#for(var i = 0; i <
; i++){#<li>#=myObj[i].Name#</
I simplified the template a little bit. The fact is, that the i++ in my for-loop doesn't work. It gets to be an endless loop. If I set a debugger in there, I can only see for(var i = 0; i < myObj.length; i ) --> The + signs are missing! And it doesn't matter where I use the +. It isn't displayed when I debugg the code.
I hope you understand what I mean!
My current workaround is to use -(-1) .............. #for(var i = 0; i < myObj.length; i = i-(-1)){#