I have the following values in my in my razor div tag:
<div class="countdownKendoGrid" data-bind="kendoGrid: { data: $parent.RandomList, rowTemplate: 'rl-row-template',columns: [{ field: 'COL1', title: 'COL1', width: '50%' }, { field: 'COL2', title: 'COL2', width: '50%' }], filter: [{ field: 'COL1', operator: 'eq', value: 'AB1234' }]}"></div>
My questions, since I'm rather new at this, are:
1). Why would just the row where COL1 equals to AB1234 not be the only one that appears?
2). could I substitute "value: 'AB1234'" to be a property in my ViewModel? ie: value: $parent.MyBindableValue