Im having trouble getting my grid to order the way i want. I thought that you could use .DataSource to setup sorting but nothing im seeing come up fits my situation. I want to sort my "haslinked" individuals to the bottom of the grid. Thanks!
Edit: i just realized my kendo grid is model vs server side. Thats what i dont get a .sort after datasource. Any idea how to sort a grid with this new finding? I believe it essentially means im trying to organize a grid with dynamic content.
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(model => model.UserName).Title("UserName");
columns.Bound(model => model.RoleList).Title("Role(s)");
columns.Bound(model => model.HasLinkedDistilleries).Title("HasLink");
columns.Bound(b => b.Id).Template(@<text>@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", "Account", new { id = item.Id }, null)</text>).Title("");
columns.Bound(b => b.Id).Template(@<text>@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", "Account", new { id = item.Id }, null)</text>).Title("");
columns.Bound(b => b.Id).Template(@<text>@Html.ActionLink("Permissions", "Index", "UserPermissions", new { id = item.Id }, null)</text>).Title("").HtmlAttributes(new {@class="" });
.ToolBar(tools =>
.Sortable() // Enable sorting
.DataSource()d => d......Heres where im having trouble.)