Background: I'm using external templates as described here for different pages in my SPA. Those pages consist of script tags with type "text/x-kendo/template". I load those templates into my index.html file and create Kendo views for each of the pages.
For some reason, I am not able to use the Kendo angular directives (e.g., "<input kendo-date-time-picker/>") inside my template scripts - they don't load properly. Using the same directives in my index.html file works perfectly though, so there shouldn't be a problem with dependencies. I suspect that the problem is either that there's some incompatibility with having the angular directives inside a View or that I'm not calling the right functions on the View. Right now, I'm just doing "layoutName.showIn("#content", viewName);" for the latter.
If anyone knows a fix, that would be super helpful. Otherwise, pointing me to an example of an SPA using external templates and the Kendo Angular directives would be helpful as well.