Is it possible to use the MVC scheduler like a daily rostering system with locations down the left then times along the top and resources can be assigned to these locations and times?
When I look at examples, the times are always down the left and days along the top.
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Hello Ian,
In the Timeline views the time is displayed at the top of the view and the resources on the left hand side. See this demo: https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/scheduler/timeline
Ivan Danchev
Progress Telerik
As of R2 2023, the default icon type will be SVG instead of Font. See this blogpost for more information.
OK great I will look into it.
Thanks Ivan.
Thanks very much for your help so far Ivan.
I have another question about the scheduler. Is it possible to group events together so they can be dragged and dropped as a group instead of individually and can they be labelled. I am not sure if a Gannt chart may be better for my needs.
Basically I need to Create a group of sequential events programatically which will appear on the Daily Schedule but assigned to an employee named "Unassigned" and all showing on that row. These can then be dragged and dropped onto a different (Actual) users row therefore assigning daily tasks to that user.
I am not sure if the Telerik toolkit can deal with this functionality or whether I will need an additional tool to do it?
If you have any insight I would be very grateful if you could share it :)
In the Scheduler it is possible to drag several events at the same time and drop them into a different resource group. See this example: https://netcorerepl.telerik.com/GdECuylm13WSJnag03
The events are grouped by resource and selection is enabled:
.Group(group => group.Resources("Attendees").Orientation(SchedulerGroupOrientation.Vertical))
You can drag and drop several events from the "Alex" group to the "Bob" group. To do that:
1. Select and event
2. Press and hold "Ctrl"
3. While holding control click and drag another event. Note that on this step you must click, hold down the mouse button and then drag all while holding "Ctrl" pressed.
This way you will drag both events.
You may use the month view (as shown in the linked example) for daily events, since it doesn't show a time header.
Ivan Danchev
Progress Telerik
Thanks Ivan,
This is helpful but not exactly what I want. Imagine I have a group named for instance "Monday Morning Tasks" and I have 4 half houlr appointments (events) within that group 10:00 (Do task A), 10:30 (Do task B), 11:00 (Do task C), 11:30 (Do task D). These would be predefind at a previous time in another section of the software.
What I need to do is drag the group "Monday Morning Tasks" from the staff member named "Unassigned" to the Actual staff member who will be responsible for them e.g. Tim, Bill, Emma, etc
I am not sure if this is possible in the scheduler or any other controls within the toolkit but if it is possible I would prefer to use the Telerik MVC Controls if possible.
Thank you very much for your help so far.
Hi Ian,
This is what I came up with: https://netcorerepl.telerik.com/wdkMkMOW55uvqGKa44
Monday Morning Tasks is a resource and the people are in a separate resource. The Scheduler is grouped vertically by these resources and you can the and the Monday Morning Tasks within which there are 4 groups (Unassigned and actual people). Assuming you have a few events in Unassigned, you can move them to one of the team members and the resource of the events will change from Unassigned to the respective member.