Files are not being removed.
I have populated the removeURL with a valid URL, and the action I am calling server side works fine.
The remove event is simply not fired. I am watching in firebug and I can see the add event fire (which works) but no event is fired for remove, however the remove: function does fire and the icon representing the file is removed from screen, however the file itself is not deleted, again cus there is not actual ajax firing to remove it.
I can see in the demo that the component does fire an ajax on clicking remove and i have tried using the same kendo.js file that the example uses and i am using jquery 1.8.2, so it must be a config issue my end ?
Here is my outputted code:
note: the GUID just allows me to identify which user is currently uploading, so i don't delete the wrong file.
Files are not being removed.
I have populated the removeURL with a valid URL, and the action I am calling server side works fine.
The remove event is simply not fired. I am watching in firebug and I can see the add event fire (which works) but no event is fired for remove, however the remove: function does fire and the icon representing the file is removed from screen, however the file itself is not deleted, again cus there is not actual ajax firing to remove it.
I can see in the demo that the component does fire an ajax on clicking remove and i have tried using the same kendo.js file that the example uses and i am using jquery 1.8.2, so it must be a config issue my end ?
Here is my outputted code:
note: the GUID just allows me to identify which user is currently uploading, so i don't delete the wrong file.
<jquery1.8.2 is included><script src="http://cdn.kendostatic.com/2012.3.1114/js/kendo.all.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
async: {
saveUrl: '/Email/Compose/24f7fd17-8e62-43cb-8982-82583a5ee5af/Ajax/Attachment/Add',
removeUrl: '/Email/Compose/24f7fd17-8e62-43cb-8982-82583a5ee5af/Ajax/Attachment/Delete',
autoUpload: true
complete: OnAttachmentComplete,
error: OnAttachmentError,
remove: OnAttachmentRemove,
success: OnAttachmentSuccess,
upload: OnAttachmentUpload
Any ideas appreciated...