I am trying to upgrade my Kendo UI Jquery installation from 2022 to 2024 and it is not going smoothly. One issue I'm having is that now my grids with locked columns do not span the whole width of their container. In the old version, the k-grid-table would expand to fill the width of the k-grid-content but now it seems that the columns retain their width, rather than growing like they used to. So now there is a large white space between the last column and the vertical scrollbar. I did notice that if I remove the inline style in the developer tools that is applied to the k-grid-table in the unlocked section, it fixes it.
Another issue I just discovered is on the multiselect. It seems that the class that used to be applied when the list was expanded is not there anymore ".k-state-border-down". I used this to target the down arrow and change it to a checkmark but now it seems there is no class to target in CSS. How would I change the arrow icon when the multiselect is expanded?
Old Version:
New Version:
How do I fix this, and is there documentation somewhere on all of the breaking changes between the two versions and how to fix them?
Hi Lee
I am also upgrading to latest version So I have downloaded the latest version from Telerik account, after that I noticed that the file names are changed. So How can I remove my old paths and include the new paths of css & Js files in my layout page. I didn't find any solution from the documentation itself too.
Note:- I am upgrading Kendo UI for Jquery 2022.1.119 to 2024.2.514
Hi @Mani. I just updated from that version too. I'm not sure I understand your question correctly but I'll try to answer.
You should have a link to the css in the header of your layout.html (or layout.cshtml) file. Your project might have multiple layout files that are used depending on the page. For example, one of my projects has both layout.cshtml and noNavLayout.cshtml because some pages on the site don't have a navigation. The javascript link goes at the end of the body of that file. If you just need to change the path, you can do it there. Some of the css, like bootstrap-v4, I don't think exist anymore. Here are my new paths:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/kendo/styles/font-icons/index.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/kendo/styles/bootstrap-main.css" />
<script src="/kendo/js/kendo.all.min.js"></script>
<script src=`kendo/js/cultures/kendo.culture.${locale}.min.js`></script>
If you need more help let me know.