I have a DataSource, let say it looks like this: [{ id: 1, name: 'Grant' }, { id: 2, name: 'Vaughan' }, { id: 3, name: 'David' }].
I also have an object { id: 2, name: 'Devina' }.
How would I go about updating the relevant data item in the datasource with the new object?
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Please take a look at the following Kendo UI Dojo by Progress which illustrates how to get a dataItem, and modify its values.
In this example, it uses a button to change "Vaughn" to "Devina" by getting the DataItem and setting it.
Hope this helps!
Telerik by Progress
Use the same technique. Get the dataItem that you want to overwrite, and set each field to what you want them to be.
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var dataItem = grid.dataSource.get(2);
dataItem.set("id", 4);
I've created a new Dojo for you to see this functionality.
Hope this helps!
Telerik by Progress
I still dont think we're on the same page. I've updated your example and added some comments that will hopefully clarify what Im trying to do, http://dojo.telerik.com/AqAtE/2
Another option you can use to update a dataItem is pushUpdate(). The only issue with pushUpdate is it will not mark the items as "dirty". So use the dataSource's get() method to determine which item was updated, and set the dirty property to true. Finally, use sync() to save the new changes to the dataSource.
Please take a look at this dojo which illustrates the approach.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Hope this helps!
Telerik by Progress
I have the same requirement as Grant here.
You need to be able to replace the item in the array for angulars $onChanges lifecycle hook to be able to work.
In addition to this, calling pushUpdate when using ng resource causes a a Maxiumum call stack error. ctrl.grid.dataSource.pushUpdate({ << ng-resource item >>>})
I was not able to reproduce the described issue in AngularJS application.
Could you please use the provided example by my colleague as a reference and modify it to match the scenario and to reproduce the issue. This will help us debug the example and check what may be causing the maximum call stack error.
Telerik by Progress