Hi there,
I wanted to create my own custom widget binding for max configuration of numeric textbox. With that, I found this article which describes on how to bind the max value of a Kendo UI numeric textbox widget. The binding of the element that I want to achieve is like this
"value: value, max: max"
However, when I implement the provided code on this article https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/framework/mvvm/bindings/custom#custom-widget-binding-in-typescript - Custom Widget Binding I got an exception when applyBinding function is called in kendo.all.js. Please see screen shot attached.
Below is my custom widget binding implementation:
var dataStoreData = {max_lines: 20
max_orders: 50000
max_orders_per_request: 500
kendo.data.binders.widget.max = kendo.data.Binder.extend({
init: (widget, bindings, options) => {
// Call the base constructor
kendo.data.Binder.fn.init.call(this, widget.element[0], bindings, options);
refresh: () => {
const that = this,
value = that.bindings["max"].get(); // Get the value from the View-Model
$(that.element).data("kendoNumericTextBox").max(value); // Update the widget
maxResultSettingsViewModel = kendo.observable({
data: dataStoreData,
settings: dataStoreData,
onDataValueChange: changeData => {
console.debug("onDataValueChange event is triggered.", changeData);
onClickEvent: clickData => {
console.debug("onClickEvent event is triggered.", clickData);
// Bind the container element with the observable object
kendo.bind($("#collapsible-content"), maxResultSettingsViewModel);
Did I implement the above code incorrectly? Or, do I need to upgrade to new version of Kendo UI library?. currently, I'm using version 2019.3.1023
Any help is greatly appreciated.