uncaught referenceerror kendo is not defined

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G.A. asked on 26 Nov 2012, 12:16 PM

I am new in Kendo UI and I have some problems in using all kendo ui functionality ib my asp.net mvc 4 application.
I'va done following steps
1.download kendo ui and include it's scripts and styles in my application
2.update jquery to 1.8.2 version
3. include kendo.all.js, kendo.aspnetmvc.js, kendo.common.css and kendo.default.css in my layout.chtml
4.and there's similar code in my scripts 
   var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
                        data: movies,
                        change: function() { // subscribe to the CHANGE event of the data source
                            $("#movies tbody").html(kendo.render(template, this.view())); // populate the table
where I was given a javascript error "uncaught referenceerror kendo is not defined"

Please help me. What's wrong in my actions? What ca be the reason of such error? I wasn't able to find similar issue in your forums.

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Alexander Valchev
Telerik team
answered on 28 Nov 2012, 05:00 PM

Most probably there is something wrong with the included resources - probably the path is wrong or jQuery is loaded more than once. Please check these (link1, link2) help topic as it discusses the most common problems and their solutions.

In case this does not help, please send me a small but runnable project that demonstrates the issue and I will do my best to help.

Alexander Valchev
the Telerik team
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commented on 29 Nov 2012, 07:55 AM

I've already found out the reason of issue, it's really was related with duplication of included javascript links.
Thank you for your reply.
Best Regards,
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Alexander Valchev
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