I'm using the following code to return to the current row after reloading my grid. Everything works fine except the grid won't scroll past the third row from the bottom. I'm using Ver: 2012.608.40 and don't have the option of upgrading at this time.
For i As Integer = 0 To grdViewPayments.ChildRows.Count - 1
If grdViewPayments.ChildRows(i).Cells("PaymentID").Value.ToString() = selectedItem Then
If i = 0 Then
grdViewPayments.ChildRows(1).IsSelected = True
grdViewPayments.ChildRows(1).IsCurrent = True
End If
grdViewPayments.ChildRows(i).IsSelected = True
grdViewPayments.ChildRows(i).IsCurrent = True
grdViewPayments.TableElement.ScrollTo(grdViewPayments.CurrentRow.Index, 0
Exit For
grdViewPayments.ChildRows(i).IsSelected = False
End If