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type in DaterangePicker inputs

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Date/Time Pickers
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Saeed asked on 19 Apr 2021, 11:54 AM


I have some troube to type in DateRangePicker inputs.
When DateRangePicker has been loaded, I click on start input and begin to type a date for example '2021/01/01', but aftern pressing Enter on keyboard, it shows current date as start input value.

The problem becomes worsen when I type a date in start input and press Tab, type another date in end input. But after pressing Enter on keyboard, again start input's value changes to current date and end input looses his value.

here is an example I'm working on it: DateRangePicker example

I think source of the problem is conflicting between DateInput and MultiViewCalendar widgests, when we click on the one of the inputs, MultiViewCalendar becomse visible, and while MultiViewCalendar is visible, pressing Enter key will fire change event of MultiViewCalendar rather than DateInput's change event. It's not better to add an icon to DateRangePicker in order to show and close the calendar?

Thank you in advance.

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Telerik team
answered on 22 Apr 2021, 06:53 AM

Hi Saeed,

Thank you for the provided information and feedback on the UX of the widget. Indeed, this behavior is due to the fact that the widget has been initially planned to be used only via the calendar. Since the focus is stolen from one of the widgets, a rather unexpected UX is observed. 

At the time being, what I can recommend is that log a Feature request in our Feedback portal. Be sure that you share enough details on how exactly would you expect the widget to behave. This would help the developers when they are implementing the suggestion.

In case there is anything else I can help with, let me know.


Kind regards,
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answered on 22 Apr 2021, 04:44 PM
Thank you for your explanation.

I'll post a Feature request in your Feedback portal.

Date/Time Pickers
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