Hi, we have a menu that is near the right edge of our screen.
So, we need to use the popupCollision option to prevent it to went over the window.
We tried the [popupCollision = "fit"] attribute, and that works fine by allowing the menu to be displayed a little bit to the left of the "top box", without going over the windows edge.
Also, we have submenus. So we also need to make these submenu open to the left instead of right if there's no place.
So, we also tried the [popupCollision = "flip"].
Now, the submenu opens to the left, but we have the intial problem of the menu being outside the screen.
Third option, like your documentation suggests, we used [popupCollision = "fit flip"]
But, I think there's a bug, both can't be used together.
"flip" is applied, but "fit" is not.
Can we get both working at the same time? Your documentation said we can.
Can I suggest, if it works fine, to set the "fit flip" as the default option? :-)
I don't see any use case where I wouldwant to use it!