I'm trying to find a way to dynamically trim the pageSizes list of options in the case where the number of rows returned from a read is less than the pageSize originally specified. So, if I have pageSizes set to [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30], pageSize set to 20, but the number of rows that are returned is only 13 (because there just ends up not being 20 rows that match the read), I don't want to show the options of 20, 25, and 30.
What I've tried so far is adding a function to the Grid's dataBound event. In this dataBound function callback, I first bind a function to the dataBound event of the pageSizes kendoDropDownList object which will call setTimeout (I wasn't having any luck with using any of the kendoDropDownList methods that manipulate the dropdown without setTimeout. It seemed like the dropdown wasn't fully built out after dataBound) and pass in a function which calls the kendoDropDownList.select with the appropriate index. This will update the selected option from the default pageSizes option to what I calculate to what should be the highest available option based on the number of results returned from read. After I set this dataBound callback on the kendoDropDownList, I call setDataSource on the kendoDropDownList, passing in my calculated list of pageSizes, each in the format {text: "#", value: "#"}.
However, when I try this strategy, I see the dropdown get updated with the correct options and the correct selected option, but the first option has this weird border around it when i click on the dropdown for the first time. In addition to that, the first time the user clicks on the dropdown, and then clicks off, the Grid executes another read, which is not ideal.
I also tried this same strategy with the modification of not using the kendoDropDownList's dataBound event to call .select(), but rather just executing that (again in a setTimeout) just after I set the dataSource. I experienced the same result here as well.
Any idea on how to solve this?
*I've attached a screenshot which describes the result of my code, if this visual helps at all in regards to the weird border i was seeing