Hi all,
I have a JSON tree with 3 levels of depth that I want to transform into a TreeView with checkboxes. This tree is sent by a server and the nodes contain certain metadata that will help me to format the output. More specifically, if a node has "isshop" to 1, or "isshop" is 0 but "_chn" is 1, then I have to include it. If the node is not a shop and has no children I should not output it.
The issue is that using templates the most I have been able to reach is having gaps in the view where the filtered nodes should have been without applying conditions. Here is my template:
<script id="tvCentrosTmpl" type="text/kendo-ui-template">
# if (item.isshop == 1 || (item.isshop == 0 && item._chn)) { #
<div class="spnNameCentro" data-idmodel="#:item.id#" data-uid="#:item.uid#" data-type="#:item.type#" data-isshop="#:item.isshop#">#:item.name#</div>
# } #
And in the checkboxes definition I am using this:
template: function(data){
if (data.item.isshop == 1 || (data.item.isshop == 0 && data.item._chn))
return '<input type="checkbox" class="chkParams" data-id="' + data.item.id + '" data-isshop="' + data.item.isshop + '" onclick="srcInhibMasivas.chkCenter_click(this);" />'
return '';
Here is an example output where "Z03" has no children and is not a shop:
Is there any way to leave the undesired nodes out without having to traverse and process the JSON client-side?
Thank you very much, best regards.