I have a treeview that is being used to display active and inactive data. By default the tree only shows active parents and their children but I have a check box on form that I am am wanting to use to force the update of the tree view with the reflected JSON data. I have verified that the JSON is updating the results buy reviewing my FIDDLER trace but for some reason the grid is not updating to reflect the change. I have search throughout the forum as well as the internet and can't seem to find an example close to what I am attempting to do. Any help would be appreciated.
I have included a sample of my code below:
I have included a sample of my code below:
testHierarchy = getData();
$("#TestHierarchy").kendoTreeView({ dataSource: new kendo.data.HierarchicalDataSource({ data: testHierarchy }) });$("#includeInActive").live('click', function () { testHierarchy = []; alert(testHierarchy.length); $("#testHierarchy").removeClass('k-treeview'); $("#testHierarchy").empty(); getHierarchy(); }