Using the following legacy code using telerik Q2 2009 winform controls. This code moves the selected node down on a button click. We are upgrading to Q1 2012 what is the equivalent code. Q1 2012 there is no FirstVisibleNode or ScrollPosition.Y etc.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Dim sNode As RadTreeNode = tv.SelectedNode
If sNode Is Nothing Then
tv.SelectedNode = tv.FirstVisibleNode
Exit Sub
End If
Dim nextVisible = sNode.NextVisibleNode
Dim vb As Integer
If nextVisible IsNot Nothing Then
tv.SelectedNode = nextVisible
vb = tv.ClientRectangle.Y - tv.ScrollPosition.Y + tv.ClientRectangle.Height
If nextVisible.Bounds.Bottom > vb Then
End If
tv.Nodes.Move(sNode.Index, nextVisible.Index)
ElseIf sNode.Index = tv.Nodes.Count - 1 Then
nextVisible = tv.Nodes(0)
tv.SelectedNode = nextVisible
vb = tv.ClientRectangle.Y - tv.ScrollPosition.Y + tv.ClientRectangle.Height
If nextVisible.Bounds.Bottom > vb Then
End If
tv.Nodes.Move(sNode.Index, nextVisible.Index)
End If
sNode.Selected = True