I am wondering if the following behavior is intentional, and if there is a work-around.
The behavior I am describing can be seen on your TreeView demo at the following:
When working with the tree on the right 'TreeView with sprites', notice how highlighting and expanding collapsing nodes works. Any node I click on gets highlighted orange as it is in a selected state, regardless of whatever node I expand/collapse the selected state stays on the originally selected node and no appearance changes occur with any other nodes. Play around with this for a little. This is all good.
1) Select the 'index.html' node (under the 'Kendo UI Project' folder node)
2) Collapse the 'Kendo UI Project' parent folder node
3) Collapse the 'My Documents' root node
4) Notice how the 'My Documents' root node gets a grey highlight
5) Expand the 'My Documents' root node (grey highlight remains)
6) Expand the 'Kendo UI Project' folder node
7) Notice how the grey highlight now is removed from the root node, and you can see the original 'index.html' node is still selected
Or another scenario:
1) Refresh the web page
2) Without selecting any nodes, collapse all nodes on tree
3) Expand the 'My Documents' root node
4) Notice how the 'My Documents' root node gets a grey highlight
What is with the root node getting highlighted grey?
Is that intentional?
Either way, is there a workaround way to stop this from occurring?
Thanks for your help!
- Lee