I am using TypeScript 1.6 and the compiler is complaining that TreeListOptions.columns.editor cannot be set because the TreeListOptions is not expecting the 'editor' property. When I check the kendo.all.d.ts file, this is what I see:
interface TreeListOptions {
name?: string;
autoBind?: boolean;
columns?: TreeListColumn[];
interface TreeListColumn {
attributes?: any;
command?: TreeListColumnCommandItem[];
encoded?: boolean;
expandable?: boolean;
field?: string;
filterable?: TreeListColumnFilterable;
footerTemplate?: any;
format?: string;
headerAttributes?: any;
headerTemplate?: any;
minScreenWidth?: number;
sortable?: TreeListColumnSortable;
template?: any;
title?: string;
width?: any;
hidden?: boolean;
menu?: boolean;
locked?: boolean;
lockable?: boolean;
I am using version 2015.2.805, but I verified that this problem exists in the latest version 2015.3.1111 as well.