I have attempted to reload a Kendo TreeView control with a new TreeViewDataSource...
function reloadLists() {
console.log("In reloadLists():");
var ds2 = new kendo.data.TreeListDataSource({ data: actionsV2, schema:
{ model: Models.TREELISTMODELTWO } });
var vw2 = ds2.view();
_view.set("actionsObserv", vw2);
...but when the new dataSource is loaded I noticed the expander arrows do not work. The top one disappears when clicking on it:
The other ones do not function, there is no change when I click on them. I cannot contract an expanded branch, nor can I expand a contracted branch. What am I missing? Is this a bug? Here is a link to the Kendo Dojo with an example:
Kendo TreeList Reload List Example | Kendo UI Dojo (telerik.com)
Thanks again for your help and patience ^__^
I don't need:
var vw2 = ds2.view();
function reloadLists() { console.log("In reloadLists():"); var ds2 = new kendo.data.TreeListDataSource({ data: actionsV2, schema: { model: Models.TREELISTMODELTWO } }); ds2.read();//***DON'T NEED THIS *** var vw2 = ds2.view();//***DON'T NEED THIS *** _view.set("actionsObserv", vw2); $("#actionsTreelist").data("kendoTreeList").setDataSource(_view.get("actionsObserv")); }
Force of habit. Now it works as expected.
Sorry to bother you with this. PLEASE DISREGARD and feel free to DELETE this forum question.