Hi, i have three questions:
i have a grid as follows:
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(p => p.Name);
columns.ForeignKey(p => p.StateId, (IEnumerable)ViewData["States"], "Id", "Name").Filterable(true).Title("State");
columns.Command(command => { command.Edit(); command.Destroy(); });// edit/insert and delete buttons
I want to be able to to trigger all actions by keyboard. While it works on the input fields, it seems i cannot use the Tabulator Key to traverse my buttons.
I want to be able to save rows by hitting the "enter" key on my keyboard. This should work when the cursor is somewhere in the row. This is a problem when i have controls like combobox or datepicker inside my row because there you use the "enter" key to select entries. Is there a way to only bubble the keyup event to the row when the dropdownbox'/datepicker's state is != open? (it should only bubble the event when the enter key is hit while i am not selecting a value).
The above mentioned column for the stateID is of type long? (nullable). I already found out that there is a problem when i want to insert a new line because the combobox tries to set the value to the whole object - not only the null value. Is there an official solution to this problem, because like this, the control is not really useable .... (even though you said in another thread that this is the intended behaviour).
best regards,
i have a grid as follows:
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(p => p.Name);
columns.ForeignKey(p => p.StateId, (IEnumerable)ViewData["States"], "Id", "Name").Filterable(true).Title("State");
columns.Command(command => { command.Edit(); command.Destroy(); });// edit/insert and delete buttons
I want to be able to to trigger all actions by keyboard. While it works on the input fields, it seems i cannot use the Tabulator Key to traverse my buttons.
I want to be able to save rows by hitting the "enter" key on my keyboard. This should work when the cursor is somewhere in the row. This is a problem when i have controls like combobox or datepicker inside my row because there you use the "enter" key to select entries. Is there a way to only bubble the keyup event to the row when the dropdownbox'/datepicker's state is != open? (it should only bubble the event when the enter key is hit while i am not selecting a value).
The above mentioned column for the stateID is of type long? (nullable). I already found out that there is a problem when i want to insert a new line because the combobox tries to set the value to the whole object - not only the null value. Is there an official solution to this problem, because like this, the control is not really useable .... (even though you said in another thread that this is the intended behaviour).
best regards,