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ToolTip issue

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joe.defranco asked on 21 Mar 2007, 12:41 PM
I seem to be having trouble getting ButtonElements in the RibbonBar to show tooltips.  I've ensured the ShowItemToolTips property is set to true and I've even set it explicitly in the code.  Sometimes, if I'm quick enough, I can see them when the app starts up but it goes away very quickly and doesn't come back.  I have no problem with Buttons anywhere else.

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answered on 21 Mar 2007, 03:17 PM
Update:  This is not just for ButtonElements.  I can assign ToolTipText for Chunks and even the Tab - none are shown when the app is running.
Dimitar Kapitanov
Telerik team
answered on 22 Mar 2007, 05:20 PM
Hello Joe,
I believe the situation is related to the fact that the RibbonBar exposes the so called "super tooltips" or screentips.
The current logic is to disable the classic tooltips if the advanced version is enabled (like in the ribbonbar).
To investigate further please send us a sample  project with a single form with your exact setup of controls and code, so that we could observe the original behavior here locally.
Other than that MS allows only screen tips to be bound to a RibbonBar, not the classic tooltips, and we are following strictly (hopefully) the guidelines.

Best wishes,
Dimitar Kapitanov
the telerik team

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answered on 23 Mar 2007, 02:12 PM
Thanks for the reply.  I thought I'd give the screentips a shot but I don't see any reference to them in the compiled help or under the Support tab at your site (other than under your features section).  Can you direct me to where/how I would set screentips? 

Also, I was looking in the r.a.d controls for WinForms sample application and I noticed the RSSFeed app had tooltips in the ribbon bar for the "AddFeed" and "DeleteFeed" buttons.  Was this a mistake? 
Dimitar Kapitanov
Telerik team
answered on 27 Mar 2007, 12:05 PM
Hi joe.defranco,

Is it possible that you have missed to enter the text for the ToolTipText property of the items you require to have tooltips? We tested and indeed the only relevant property that is not set to its default value is the ToolTipText property. It may have in common with your particular setup of  the properties of the controls, so a small sample will be very helpful as we didn't manage to reproduce the behavior locally.

P.S. If the ToolTipText property is not set it should render the text from the Text property.

Sincerely yours,
Dimitar Kapitanov
the telerik team

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Dimitar Kapitanov
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