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ToolTip Color 2014 Q1

6 Answers 37 Views
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Kevin Kembel
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Kevin Kembel asked on 21 Mar 2014, 08:24 PM
It looks like the tooltip color behaviour may have changed between Q3 2013 and Q1 2014.

I have many column charts that use series.colorField to set the color of each column.  The series color for these charts is irrelevant since each colorField is set for each column/point.  The tooltips have always matched the column color, but since I upgraded the tooltips are all the same color now and match the series.  

How can I have the tooltip colors for each column match the column/point again?  Basically, how can I have my tooltips match the colorField value?


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Kevin Kembel
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answered on 21 Mar 2014, 08:40 PM
Possibly on a related note, it looks like some of the options are only loaded once with the first data point, like the label visibility for example.  This forum shows a workaround that allows you to conditionally set the label visibility for each data point. 

I've been using this recommendation as well, and is now broken in Q1 2014.  As far as I can tell, series.labels.visible is only called once for the first data point only, which means if the first label is visible then all labels are visible.

Not to jump to conclusions, but I assume this was a performance improvement to no longer load some options on a per-point basis, and move to loading once for the entire series?  I'm hoping that level of customization still exists elsewhere for me?
Iliana Dyankova
Telerik team
answered on 25 Mar 2014, 11:17 AM
Hi Kevin,

Thank you for pointed our attention to these issues - I forwarded them to the developers for further investigation and we will do our best to address them as soon as possible. Please excuse us for the inconvenience caused.

As a small sign of gratitude for this finding I updated your points.

Iliana Nikolova

Build cross-platform mobile apps using Visual Studio and .NET. Register for the online webinar on 03/27/2014, 11:00AM US ET.. Seats are limited.

Kevin Kembel
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answered on 25 Mar 2014, 03:36 PM
Excellent news, thank you Iliana. I've flipped back to Q3 2013 in the meantime and look forward to the next release.
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answered on 01 Apr 2014, 07:29 AM
Is there a timeline for this fix?

I have many instances of where I use the colorField property on a series.  Going back to v3 is not an option because my client has been waiting for the 100% stack area chart, now there is a bug with tooltips.

Is there a workaround in the mean time?

You can even see this on your own examples where colorField is being used.  I simply edited this example to show the tooltip.


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answered on 01 Apr 2014, 07:49 AM
OK, so the workaround I have come up with is to use the 'seriesHover event and change it in there...

// Where BGColour is the color field property.
onSeriesHover: function(e) {            
      e.sender._tooltip.options.background = e.dataItem.BGColour;        
T. Tsonev
Telerik team
answered on 01 Apr 2014, 02:36 PM

The bug fix is included in the latest internal builds starting from version 2014.1.328

Apologies for the caused inconvenience.

T. Tsonev

Build cross-platform mobile apps using Visual Studio and .NET. Register for the online webinar on 03/27/2014, 11:00AM US ET.. Seats are limited.

Asked by
Kevin Kembel
Top achievements
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Answers by
Kevin Kembel
Top achievements
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Iliana Dyankova
Telerik team
Top achievements
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T. Tsonev
Telerik team
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