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Tooltip animations disabled

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Valentin asked on 17 Dec 2020, 03:51 PM

Hi team !

Recently, animations on my tooltips (and some other components like windows) stopped working, and I can't manage to find why or how to fix it. This issue appeared on every pages. 


$(document).ready(function () {
            filter: ".k-grid-cmdModifier",
            content: "Modifier les dates de la pĂ©riode",
            animation: {
                open: {
                    effects: "fade:in",
                    duration: 1000


"gridHistoPeriodesRecueil" is my grid, "cmdModifier" my command. When I hover over the button, the tooltip appears, but without animation. I tried with other effects, with or without duration, on other pages, but it doesn't work anymore. 


I think I did something wrong that disabled every animations on my project, but I don't know what. Any idea ?


Thank you,



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Telerik team
answered on 21 Dec 2020, 03:15 PM

Hi Valentin,

Does the issue appear after an upgrade of the Kendo UI for jQuery version? 

Is it replicable on a specific browser? Can you replicate it on different computers and browsers?

If the issue is not related to none of the above, to be able to help you furhter with this case, I will need a runnable example in which I can reproduce the unexpected behavior.

Can you isolate the issue in a Dojo project and send me this project for further investigation? 

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answered on 21 Dec 2020, 04:16 PM

Hi Petar,

I didn't upgrade kendo recently, and my issue appears on any of our computer/browser. 

I understand that you need a runnable example to help me correctly, but I can't isolate my issue in a dojo project as it probably comes from my project itself, because animations stopped to work on every pages even those I didn't edit for a while.

I just wanted to ask if you have any idea of where it can comes from because I don't know where to start searching. 


Thank you,

ANSART Valentin

Telerik team
answered on 23 Dec 2020, 01:49 PM

Hi Valentin,

I've just discussed the issue with the team. If you haven't made any updates, then the only assumption we could share is that the issue is browser-related.

Can you check if the animations are missing on the different browsers? Can you also check the animations' behavior on another computer? 

If the animations' issue is replicable on the different browsers, then to be able to help you with it, we will need a runnable example in which it can be replicated. There is no starting point from which I can recommend you to start debugging your code.  

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answered on 08 Jan 2021, 08:37 AM

Hi Petar,

I'm reopening this topic as I noticed that animations are disabled not only for tooltips but also for windows, and I suppose for any kendo elements. This issue appears on every browser, with any computer. 

Here's a case where my animations don't work : your window animation effects example ( Can you confirm that with this code, window animation is supposed to work ?

        .Animation(animation =>
            animation.Open(open =>
            animation.Close(close =>
            <div style="text-align: center;">
                <p>TEST TEST TEST</p>
        .Title("EGG CHAIR")
        .Events(events=> events.Close("close"))
<span id="undo" style="display:none" class="k-button hidden-on-narrow">Click here to open the window.</span>
    #example {
        min-height: 400px;
    #undo {
        text-align: center;
        position: absolute;
        white-space: nowrap;
        padding: 1em;
        cursor: pointer;
    @@media screen and (max-width: 1023px) {
        div.k-window {
            display: none !important;
    function close() {
        .bind("click", function () {


The button that open the window works fine, and fade in/out when the window is closed/opened works too. The window also appears correctly but without animation, and I don't understand why.


Did I made a mistake using your example, or do I have a real issue with kendo animations on my project ?


Thank you !


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answered on 08 Jan 2021, 10:36 AM
Ok this issue was due to scripts that were not loaded in the good order. Changing this fixed it.
Telerik team
answered on 12 Jan 2021, 06:45 AM

Hi Valentin,

Thank you for sharing what was the reason for the discussed behavior with the missing animations!

Your information will surely help someone else in the future.

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