I am playing around with your controls to see if it meets our needs.
Right now I cannot seems to drag and drop from external source into the scheduler in TimeLineView.
On this line :
Dim table As DayViewAppointmentsTable = (TryCast(Me.RadScheduler1.SchedulerElement.ViewElement, SchedulerDayViewElement)).DataAreaElement.Table
the code stops and I got the error
Object Reference is not set to an instance of object
Right now I am following the drag and drop sample.
This is one aspect really important but futhermore I would like to know if it is possible to have this scenario with your control in timeline view
We got let say 3 Team which are our main ressources. In the schedule with got appointment. I want to drag and drop those appointement from external source (which seems possible). What is tricky is that I also want to drag and drop employee on the Team (ressouces line) to add them on this team (or maybe on the appointment)
Is it possible with the RadScheduler Control ?
I am playing around with your controls to see if it meets our needs.
Right now I cannot seems to drag and drop from external source into the scheduler in TimeLineView.
On this line :
Dim table As DayViewAppointmentsTable = (TryCast(Me.RadScheduler1.SchedulerElement.ViewElement, SchedulerDayViewElement)).DataAreaElement.Table
the code stops and I got the error
Object Reference is not set to an instance of object
Right now I am following the drag and drop sample.
This is one aspect really important but futhermore I would like to know if it is possible to have this scenario with your control in timeline view
We got let say 3 Team which are our main ressources. In the schedule with got appointment. I want to drag and drop those appointement from external source (which seems possible). What is tricky is that I also want to drag and drop employee on the Team (ressouces line) to add them on this team (or maybe on the appointment)
Is it possible with the RadScheduler Control ?